Energy Retailers 

Reimagining the Retail Energy Experiences with Digital Platforms

SEW Advantage

Achieving clean, reliable, and low-cost energy at scale is becoming an increasingly complex challenge - one that is requiring unprecedented levels of commitment and collaboration across industries, technologies, vendors, and end customers. ​

The energy value chain is no longer linear but an interconnected ecosystem of market participants, all working toward a common goal. Vital to this new energy vision is creating an educated, engaged, and empowered community of energy customers. ​

​Today’s leading retail energy providers are rethinking and transforming every aspect of customer experience - from the digital technologies we use to engage with customers to the way individual customer journeys are designed, optimized, and executed within and across the energy ecosystem. ​

SEW platforms combines the power of AI and ML with state-of-the-art mobile and digital engagement technology to deliver a more intelligent and adaptive customer experience that works across the entire energy value chain. This revolutionary digital platform helps energy retailers take customer experience to a new level - one that positions them and their customers for tomorrow’s energy future.

  • Gain new retail customers by offering personalized service and developing connected energy experiences across customer lifecycle
  • Make most of distributed technologies and energy efficiency solutions to add new sources of revenue and meet emerging prosumers’ needs
  • Streamline operations with connected customer and workforce experiences, via platforms that ensure seamless integration and interoperability
  • Give new definition to smart energy management with smart home experiences via single integrated platform
  • Leverage AI and ML powered Analytics to discover customer and workforce insights across multiple data streams
  • Seize the digital opportunity to build cleaner and smarter cities. With last mile connectivity, empower people to save energy

Platform Benefits

  • Deliver Digital Self Service
  • Reduce Operational Costs
  • Build Systemic Resilience
  • Deliver Connected Customer and Workforce Experiences