Energy Efficiency

Intelligent Way to Optimizing Energy Use and Building Superior Customer Experience

Powered by AI/ML/IoT

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Digital Platforms that Drive Energy Efficiency and Build 5-Star Customer Engagement

Our innovative digital platforms offer a gamut of capabilities, from personalized savings programs to AI-Powered dashboards, so that energy providers can build an energy-efficient ecosystem.

Give customers the freedom to track, compare and understand their energy usage

Appliance level details disaggregation drilldowns (monthly, weekly, daily, hourly) to provide an accurate load disaggregation report

Detailed price breakdowns with utility rebates and programs, best discounts, and feature comparisons ensuring customers to make the most informed decisions

Smart Alerts & Notifications

Giving customers choice and control over what, how, when, and where they want to receive alerts and notifications thus improving customer experience.

High Usage Alerts
High Usage Alerts
Appliance Breakdown/inefficiency Alerts
Appliance Breakdown/inefficiency Alerts
Energy-Saving Recommendations
Energy-Saving Recommendations
Rate Plan Optimization & Enrollment Alerts
Rate Plan Optimization & Enrollment Alerts
Smart Bills and Rate Education Alerts
Smart Bills and Rate Education Alerts
Decarbonization Alerts
Decarbonization Alerts
Peak Load Period Alerts
Peak Load Period Alerts
Rebate program Notifications
Rebate program Notifications
Solar Generation Promotion
Solar Generation Promotion
And much more ...

Powerful Analytics and Insights for Utilities

  • Digitally engage customers with AI energy-use insights to drive actionAdvanced usage analytics for targeting, personalization, and measurement of energy efficiency programs
  • Give customers freedom, via digital self-service, to track, compare and understand their energy usageRapid set up and configuration of rebate campaigns and energy efficiency (EE) programs
  • Personalized savings programs for each customer segment from commercial, residential to low incomeComprehensive dashboards for usage analytics, EE program performance, DR analytics, peak load management, and energy impacts
  • Energy IconAnalyze EV consumption patterns, charging level, peak charging customers, and measure load impacts
Mid top hero

Usage Intelligence and Actionable Insights that Educate, Engage and Empower

In the quest to empower and engage customers with the right intelligence, SEW platforms enable complete compliance with Green Button standards and ensure that customers and stakeholders harness the power of data.

  • Prebuilt Download by Data and Connect by Data Customer Journeys, Forms, and Templates
  • Fully integrated and managed “Data custodian” function for ingesting, conditioning, storing, and formatting of usage data
  • Integrated workflows for 3rd party registration, approval
  • Multi-channel notifications of approval confirmations, data exchanges, status updates and more based on customer preferences
  • Fully compliant OATH2.0 workflows/ processes for authentication and usage authorizations
  • Enhanced usage insights including end-use disaggregation, interval drill downs and more
  • Increased data security and confidentiality
  • Built in compliance with NAESB 3.3 , required for securing formal utility green button certification

Platform Benefits

  • icon21Promote Energy Efficiency
  • icon22Better Customer Satisfaction
  • icon23Reduce Carbon Footprint
  • icon24Improved Digital Self-Service Capabilities
  • 5Improve Program Enrollment
  • Segmented and Personalized InitiativesSegmented and Personalized Initiatives
  • Increase Customer SavingsIncrease Customer Savings
  • Better Grid PlanningBetter Grid Planning