Light Through the End of the Tunnel

Light Through the End of the Tunnel

You can call it challenging times or surreal. What we are living through, today, is nothing short of historic. As the world watches and cheers for one another, we have a common goal of survival and overcoming the shared threat- COVID-19.

And in this fight, we have a deep appreciation for all the front-line workers and businesses which are keeping the world running. Kudos for their dedication. This after all is a teaching moment, we can choose to relinquish and accept the fate or persist and navigate the chaos. And who better to demonstrate this spirit than our own utility stalwarts. In these tweets, we see this spirit. Spirit to serve customers, share societal responsibility, and above all spread positivity and cheer.

  • Hi OG&E. Here’s to Powering Through Together. OG&E makes sure you say Hi to the crew but from a distance- Social Distancing for Safety
  • NPPD shares the Three R’s mantra for all. Routine. Relaxation. Relationships. And we love their resilient spirit. To come together and help each other.


  • Santee Cooper standing by its mission of sustainable energy usage and sharing the saving tips while you are working from home. We are exercising and reading book, Santee Cooper.
  • Such great videos by Southwest Gas! We see their dedicated crew and hear from them. True inspiration. Applause. Applause.


  • Here’s from the Sunny San Diageo. Our’s Air Five to you. SDG&E is communicating via pictures. Encouraging all to look out for one another and keep safe.


  • Working from home has its own set of challenges. By ESUW’s customer service reps are going the extra mile with a smile. This is what is takes for a superior CX.
  • This is fun Simply Energy! We all know a Josh, Katie or Brandon. Let’s keep the conversations going with a simple tag.