
Whether it is the winter storms, intense summer heatwaves or tornadoes and floods, utilities need to prepare for the unexpected events that might leave their customers in the dark. From planned outage preparation to unplanned challenges, it is becoming imperative for utilities to keep customers informed and empower them with the right tools & platforms. Discover how a Midwest power & gas utility, harnessed the power of SEW's cutting-edge digital customer experience platform to elevate its outage management and redefine customer engagement.

  • Proactive Communication: Seamlessly inform customers about outage events, empowering them with real-time updates and outage insights.
  • Efficient Restoration: Optimize field crew coordination for rapid outage recovery, ensuring minimal disruption.
  • Visual Empowerment: Gave customers the power to track and see restoration progress in an intuitive map view.
  • Internal Agility: Streamline internal operations with the connected CX-WX platform, enhancing outage management efficiency.

Experience the synergy of digitalization and customer-centricity. Witness how the provider not only address the outage issues but also attained a 5-star customer experience, setting new standards in utility service.

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